Recreational Tennis Team

Recreational Junior Tennis Team League

BIG NC Tennis Junior Tennis Teams are for players 12 and under who have little match experience or level 3 white band.

Tennis Team Membership: $250 + Processing Fee

Individual Drop in Fee: $35 drop in fee

  • Includes 16 hours of practice per month
  • 8 hours of guided match play
  • Court and ball fees
  • League Prize fees
  • $25 racket restringing
  • and much more!

UTR’s over 1.5 must play in the Advanced Tennis Team

League Location and Times :

  • Holly Springs High School – 5329 Cass Holt Road Holly Springs, North Carolina 27540
  • Matches will take place Friday from 6-8 pm
  • Practice for Recreational Team Tennis  are Monday and Wednesday from 6:00 – 8:00 pm and Saturday / Sunday from 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm.
  • Weather cancellations will be made via Team Whatsapp,and Social Media : Facebook / Instagram

Rules and Etiquette :

  • Players will be respectful at all times, not only to opponents, but everyone at Holly Springs High School
  • Players will be expected to clean up any trash, water balls, ball cans etc.
  • Zero
  • Tolerance for cheating during line calls, we understand mistakes but if a player is a repeat and egregious offender they will be disqualified from the match. After a second time they will be removed from the league with no refund.
  • Please wear sports attire and athletic shoes, players who wear none athletic shoes, esp. boots, crocs or sandals will not be permitted to play due to safety reasons and their match will end in forfeit.

We allow for rolling admissions for team practices, players joining in middle of the season may not see full league participation in matches until the next season begin.